Support & Facilities

  • Student Job-seeking / Employment Support Center

    Support students with customized job placement services by finding excellent employment sites.

  • Career Development Center

    Guiding students to career paths that suit their aptitude through various career development programs.

  • Entrepreneurship Education Center

    Stimulating start-ups to experience the overall entrepreneual process and to foster practical start-up members.

  • Office of International Affairs / International Student Support Center

    Providing various international-related programs such as international education or exchange student programs for students.

  • Daegu Haany University Healthcare Center

    Helping students with the understanding and management of their health so that they can have a healthy school life.

  • DHU Student Counseling Center

    Counseling on various personal challenges and supporting the students’ meaningful life.

  • Field Placement Support Center

    Providing practical opportunities that can be applied on-site after graduation by allowing them to experience industrial sites in advance.

  • Center for Students with Disabilities

    Facilitating academic accommodations and services for students with disabilities so that these students have equal access to the University's programs and activities.

  • Kirin Volunteer Corps

    Volunteering community for students.

  • Media Center

    Report on the academic achievements and the developmental aspects of DHU.

  • Museum

    It contains a variety of historical and cultural education programs that are provided to its members and the public.

  • Dormitory

    Comfortable dormitory with a variety of convenient facilities, including restaurants, computer labs, laundry rooms, studying lounge and fitness rooms.

  • Hanhakchon

    It inherits and develops endangered traditional culture through a variety of valuable education and experience programs in accordance with classic lectures containing humanistic wisdom and traditional manners for education and cultural events.